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<?php /** * ECSHOP 邮件发送记录插件 数据库补丁 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Jacklee的博客 致力于php技术 * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @author: Jacklee * @email: * @date: 2012-08-28 */ define('IN_ECS', true); require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/init.php'); $sql = " DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$prefix}email_send_history; "; $db->query($sql); $sql = " CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$prefix}email_send_history ( id mediumint(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, email varchar(100) NOT NULL, email_subject varchar(200) NOT NULL, email_type int(10) NOT NULL, send_time int(10) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ; "; $db->query($sql); echo '数据库补丁程序执行成功,请立即删除此补丁文件(db_patch.php)。'; ?> |
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//写入发送记录 $time = gmtime(); $sql = "INSERT INTO " .$ecs->table('email_send_history'). " (id, email, email_subject, email_type, send_time)". " VALUES (NULL, '$row[email]', '$rt[template_subject]', 1, $time)"; $db->query($sql); |
1 |
$modules['16_email_manage']['email_send_history'] = 'email_send_history.php?act=list'; |
1 |
$_LANG['email_send_history'] = '邮件发送记录'; |
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<?php /** * ECSHOP 邮件发送记录插件 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Jacklee的博客 致力于php技术 * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @author: Jacklee * @email: * @date: 2012-08-28 */ define('IN_ECS', true); require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/init.php'); /* act操作项的初始化 */ if (empty($_REQUEST['act'])) { $_REQUEST['act'] = 'list'; } else { $_REQUEST['act'] = trim($_REQUEST['act']); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 获取所有发送记录 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'list') { $id = !empty($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0; $email = !empty($_REQUEST['email']) ? $_REQUEST['email'] : ''; $email_subject = !empty($_REQUEST['email_subject']) ? $_REQUEST['email_subject'] : ''; $email_type = !empty($_REQUEST['email_type']) ? $_REQUEST['email_type'] : ''; $send_time = !empty($_REQUEST['send_time']) ? $_REQUEST['send_time'] : ''; /* 查询主题列表 */ $subject_list = array(); $res = $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT email_subject FROM " .$ecs->table('email_send_history')); while ($row = $db->FetchRow($res)) { $subject_list[$row['email_subject']] = $row['email_subject']; } $smarty->assign('ur_here', $_LANG['email_send_history']); $smarty->assign('subject_list', $subject_list); $smarty->assign('full_page', 1); $history_list = get_history(); $smarty->assign('history_list', $history_list['list']); $smarty->assign('filter', $history_list['filter']); $smarty->assign('record_count', $history_list['record_count']); $smarty->assign('page_count', $history_list['page_count']); $sort_flag = sort_flag($history_list['filter']); $smarty->assign($sort_flag['tag'], $sort_flag['img']); $smarty->assign('action_link', array('text' => $_LANG['export'],'href'=>'email_send_history.php?act=export')); assign_query_info(); $smarty->display('email_send_history.htm'); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 排序、分页、查询 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'query') { $history_list = get_history(); $smarty->assign('history_list', $history_list['list']); $smarty->assign('filter', $history_list['filter']); $smarty->assign('record_count', $history_list['record_count']); $smarty->assign('page_count', $history_list['page_count']); $sort_flag = sort_flag($history_list['filter']); $smarty->assign($sort_flag['tag'], $sort_flag['img']); make_json_result($smarty->fetch('email_send_history.htm'), '', array('filter' => $history_list['filter'], 'page_count' => $history_list['page_count'])); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 批量删除发送记录 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'batch_drop') { /* 按ID删除 */ $count = 0; foreach ($_POST['checkboxes'] AS $key => $id) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " .$ecs->table('email_send_history'). " WHERE id = '$id'"; $result = $db->query($sql); $count++; } if ($result) { //admin_log('', 'remove', 'email_send_history'); //记录操作日志 $link[] = array('text' => $_LANG['back_list'], 'href' => 'email_send_history.php?act=list'); sys_msg(sprintf($_LANG['batch_drop_success'], $count), 0, $link); } } /* 导出全部记录 */ if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'export') { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('email_send_history'); $res = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); $file_name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '_email_send_history'; header("Content-type: application/; charset=utf-8"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$file_name.xls"); /* 编号,操作者,操作时间,IP,操作记录 */ echo ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, 'UTF-8', $_LANG['id']) . "\t"; echo ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, 'UTF-8', $_LANG['email']) . "\t"; echo ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, 'UTF-8', $_LANG['email_subject']) . "\t"; echo ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, 'UTF-8', $_LANG['email_type']) . "\t"; echo ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, 'UTF-8', $_LANG['send_time']) . "\t\n"; while ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res)) { if($row['email_type'] == 1) { $row['email_type'] = $_LANG['email_magazine']; } $row['send_time'] = local_date($GLOBALS['_CFG']['time_format'], $row['send_time']); echo ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, 'UTF-8', $row['id']) . "\t"; echo ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, 'UTF-8', $row['email']) . "\t"; echo ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, 'UTF-8', $row['email_subject']) . "\t"; echo ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, 'UTF-8', $row['email_type']) . "\t"; echo ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, 'UTF-8', $row['send_time']) . "\t"; echo "\n"; } //admin_log('', 'export', 'email_send_history'); //记录操作日志 exit; } /* 获取发送记录 */ function get_history() { $id = !empty($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0; $email_subject = !empty($_REQUEST['email_subject']) ? $_REQUEST['email_subject'] : ''; $keywords = !empty($_REQUEST['keywords']) ? trim($_REQUEST['keywords']) : ''; $start_time = empty($_REQUEST['start_time']) ? '' : (strpos($_REQUEST['start_time'], '-') > 0 ? local_strtotime($_REQUEST['start_time']) : $_REQUEST['start_time']); $end_time = empty($_REQUEST['end_time']) ? '' : (strpos($_REQUEST['end_time'], '-') > 0 ? local_strtotime($_REQUEST['end_time']) : $_REQUEST['end_time']); $filter = array(); $filter['sort_by'] = empty($_REQUEST['sort_by']) ? 'id' : trim($_REQUEST['sort_by']); $filter['sort_order'] = empty($_REQUEST['sort_order']) ? 'DESC' : trim($_REQUEST['sort_order']); //查询条件 $where = " WHERE 1 "; if (!empty($id)) { $where .= " AND id = '$id' "; } elseif (!empty($email_subject)) { $where .= " AND email_subject = '$email_subject' "; } if (!empty($keywords)) { $where .= " AND email like '%$keywords%' "; } if (!empty($start_time)) { $where .= " AND send_time >= '$start_time'"; } if (!empty($end_time)) { $where .= " AND send_time <= '$end_time'"; } /* 获得总记录数据 */ $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('email_send_history'). $where; $filter['record_count'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql); $filter = page_and_size($filter); /* 获取发送记录 */ $list = array(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('email_send_history'). $where .' ORDER by '.$filter['sort_by'].' '.$filter['sort_order']; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->selectLimit($sql, $filter['page_size'], $filter['start']); while ($rows = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res)) { $rows['send_time'] = local_date($GLOBALS['_CFG']['time_format'], $rows['send_time']); $list[] = $rows; } return array('list' => $list, 'filter' => $filter, 'page_count' => $filter['page_count'], 'record_count' => $filter['record_count']); } ?> |
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<?php /** * ECSHOP 邮件发送记录插件 语言文件 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Jacklee的博客 致力于php技术 * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @author: Jacklee * @email: * @date: 2012-08-28 */ /* 字段信息 */ $_LANG['id'] = '编号'; $_LANG['email'] = '邮箱'; $_LANG['email_subject'] = '邮件主题'; $_LANG['email_type'] = '邮件类型'; $_LANG['email_magazine'] = '杂志订阅'; $_LANG['send_time'] = '发送时间'; $_LANG['drop_records'] = '删除记录'; $_LANG['select_subject'] = '选择主题...'; $_LANG['search'] = '搜索'; $_LANG['export'] = '导出全部记录'; $_LANG['back_list'] = '返回记录列表'; /* 提示信息 */ $_LANG['batch_drop_success'] = '成功删除了 %d 个历史记录'; ?> |